PA Sangma International Medical College and Hospital

General Surgery Department

Department of surgery comprises 5 units, each headed by eminent professors of surgery.

The teaching of the subjects comprises theory lectures (audiovisual aided), bed-side clinics, demonstration of X-rays, CT, MRI, Pathology specimen followed by discussion in tutorials. The theory lectures are delivered in fully equipped lecture theatre aided by state of art audiovisual equipments. The bed side teaching is conducted in clinical side room attached to the respective wards. This comprises of history taking, clinical evaluations, and investigations, followed by discussions in patients suffering from surgical disorders.


Bed side clinical demonstration of patient to undergraduate students 


Regular seminars are conducted to cite the interesting cases followed by question answer sessions.

Our operation theatres are equipped with close circuit TVs for live demonstration of ongoing surgeries in the OTs. It is also well equipped with audio devises, enabling students to clear their concepts by the operating surgeons. The students are also exposed to minor surgical procedures in minor OT


Demonstration of foreign body removal in minor OT

Students are also posted in small batches in OPD for clinical exposure of patients care. Emergency management of patient is taught to the students in their casualty postings.

Clinical case demonstration in Surgical OPD