PA Sangma International Medical College And Hospital

Skill Lab

General Medicine
• Venepuncture (I)
• Intramuscular injection(I)
• Intradermal injection (D)
• Subcutaneous injection(I)
• Intra Venous (IV) injection (I)
• Setting up IV infusion and calculating drip rate (I)
• Blood transfusion (O)
• Urinary catheterization (D)
• Basic life support (D)
• Oxygen therapy (I)
• Aerosol therapy / nebulization (I)
• Ryle’s tube insertion (D)
• Lumbar puncture (O)
• Pleural and ascites aspiration (O)
• Cardiac resuscitation (D)
• Peripheral blood smear interpretation (I)
• Bedside urine analysis (D)
General Surgery
• Basic suturing (I)
• Basic wound care (I)
• Basic bandaging (I)
• Incision and drainage of superficial abscess (I)
• Early management of trauma (I) and trauma life support (D)
• Application of basic splints and slings (I)
• Basic fracture and dislocation management (O)
• Compression bandage (I)
• Per Speculum (PS) and Per Vaginal (PV) examination (I)
• Visual Inspection of Cervix with Acetic Acid (VIA) (O)
• Pap Smear sample collection & interpretation (I)
• Intra- Uterine Contraceptive Device (IUCD) insertion & removal (I)
• Obstetric examination (I)
• Episiotomy (I)
• Normal labor and delivery (including partogram) (I)
• Neonatal resuscitation (D)
• Setting up Paediatric IV infusion and calculating drip rate (I)
• Setting up Paediatric Intraosseous line (O)
Forensic Medicine
• Documentation and certification of trauma (I)
• Diagnosis and certification of death (D)
• Legal documentation related to emergency cases (D)
• Certification of medical-legal cases e.g. Age estimation, sexual assault etc. (D)
• Establishing communication in medico-legal cases with police, public health authorities, other concerned departments, etc (D)
• Anterior nasal packing (D)
• Otoscopy (I)
• Visual acuity testing (I)
• Digital tonometry (D)
• Indirect ophthalmoscopy (O)
• Epilation (O)
• Eye irrigation (I)
• Instillation of eye medication (I)
• Ocular bandaging (I)
• Slit skin smear for leprosy (O)
• Skin biopsy (O)
• Gram’s stained smear interpretation(I)
• KOH examination of scrapings for fungus (D)
• Dark ground illumination (O)
• Tissue smear (O)
• Cautery – Chemical and electrical (O)

I-  Independently performed on patients.

O-  Observed in patients or on simulations.

D- Demonstration on patients or simulations and performance under supervision in patients

Certification of Skills:  Any faculty member of concerned department can  certify  skills.  For  common procedures, the certifying faculty may be decided locally.